I had published a blog post on LinkedIn on the topic of Affordable Healthcare in India. Below is a short extract from that post.
Apart from Rashtriya Swastha Bima Yogaja (RSBY) which is the government’s first step towards universal health insurance, there are other health insurance schemes run by the central government like the Employee State Insurance Scheme (ESIS) is aimed at providing social security protection to the workers and their dependents covered in the scheme. The “Central Government Health Scheme” (CGHS) provides comprehensive health care facilities for the Central Govt. employees and pensioners and their dependents residing in CGHS covered cities.
Aam Aadmi Bima Yojana (AABY), Aam Aadmi Bima Yojana Premium Fund (AABYPF), Janashree Bima Yojana by LIC (JBY), Universal Health Insurance Scheme(UHIS) run by the Public Sector Insurance Companies and the recent Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana and,Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima.
All these are schemes which are in existence are run by the government. The advantage for most insurance companies to participate in these schemes is it takes care of the Insurance Regulatory Development Authority (IRDA) regulations of 7 per cent of polices written by a life insurer should be from the rural areas in its first year of business and gradually increase to 20 per cent in the 10th year and thereafter. In case of a general or health insurance company, 2 per cent of gross premium should be from the rural areas in the first year and 7 per cent in the 10th year.