Mrunal Pandit, FIII, RIMS-CRMP

I am an Insurance Professional with nearly 2 decades of experience in Marketing, Account Management and General Insurance. I am passionate about promoting financial literacy among women. I have published award winning articles on insurance and presented in several industry seminar. Formerly I was a consultant to Ministry of Health, Government of India. I have MBA in Marketing and am a Fellow, Insurance Institute of India, and a Certified Risk Management Professional.Photograph of Mrunal Pandit, FIII

Risk Manager

Corporate Risk Manager for a major FMCG Company, looking after strategic and business risks including operational, employee health and cyber security risks.


I love to paint, and watercolours are my favourite medium. You can visit my painting gallery here.


I am the cofounder of gaathastory, and the creator of Balagatha and Devgatha Podcasts. My new show, bimacast, coming soon!